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Century Baby SEO Case Study


Century Baby, a brand offering baby to toddler basics, approached our SEO team in January 2022 with the goal of enhancing their online visibility. The objective was to increase organic traffic, keyword rankings, and overall domain authority on Google.


  • Improve organic keyword rankings.
  • Increase monthly organic traffic.
  • Boost domain authority on Google.
  • Build a robust backlink profile.


Phase 1: Website Audit and Keyword Research:

  • Conducted a thorough website audit to identify technical issues, on-page SEO opportunities, and potential improvements.
  • Utilized keyword research tools to identify relevant and high-volume keywords in the baby and toddler niche.
  • Analyzed competitor strategies to identify gaps and opportunities.

Phase 2: On-Page Optimization

  • Optimized meta titles, meta descriptions, and header tags for target keywords.
  • Improved website architecture and navigation for a better user experience.
  • Created and optimized compelling and relevant content for key landing pages.
  • Implemented schema markup to enhance rich snippets in search results.

Phase 3: Technical SEO and Performance Optimization

  • Addressed technical issues such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, and crawlability.
  • Conducted regular website performance audits and implemented necessary optimizations.
  • Ensured the website’s security and implemented HTTPS.

Phase 4: Content Marketing and Link Building

  • Developed a content strategy focused on creating valuable and shareable content for the target audience.
  • Executed an outreach program to build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the parenting and lifestyle niche.
  • Collaborated with influencers and bloggers to create awareness and generate organic backlinks.

Phase 5: Monitoring and Iteration 

  • Implemented advanced tracking and analytics to monitor keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement.
  • Regularly updated and refreshed existing content to maintain relevance.
  • Adjusted strategies based on evolving search engine algorithms and industry trends.


  • Organic Keywords Ranking: 10,280
  • Monthly Organic Traffic: 9,361
  • Domain Authority (Google): 11
  • Total Backlinks Created: 447



Century Baby’s journey from a startup to a prominent online presence is a testament to the strategic and comprehensive SEO approach employed. By focusing on technical optimization, content marketing, and link building, we were able to achieve significant improvements in organic keyword rankings, monthly traffic, and domain authority.

About The Business:

Century is a baby brand dedicated to gear that’s stress-free, stylish, safe, and affordable. They offer baby to toddler basics that simplify your life so you can focus on what matters raising your minis and enjoying the ride.