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Aesthetic Roomcore SEO Case Study

Case Study: Aesthetic Roomcore SEO Transformation


  • Client Overview: Aesthetic Roomcore, an online store specializing in aesthetic room décor and dorm accessories.

  • Initial Status (Baseline):

    • Keywords Ranking: 30,416
    • Organic Monthly Traffic: 175,415
    • Domain Authority: 24
    • Total Backlinks: 13,101


  1. Increase Organic Visibility:

    • Strategy:
      • Conducted comprehensive keyword research to identify relevant and high-search-volume keywords in the niche.
      • Optimized website content, including product descriptions, category pages, and blog posts, for target keywords.
    • Implementation:
      • Initial Keyword Research: Implemented
      • Ongoing Content Optimization
  2. Improve Domain Authority:

    • Strategy:
      • Implemented a backlink building strategy, focusing on acquiring high-quality and relevant backlinks from authoritative websites.
      • Collaborated with influencers and bloggers in the home décor and lifestyle niche for guest posting and link-building opportunities.
    • Implementation:
      • Backlink Building Initiated
      • Ongoing Influencer Collaborations
  3. Enhance On-Page SEO:

    • Strategy:
      • Conducted a thorough website audit to identify and fix technical SEO issues.
      • Improved website speed, mobile responsiveness, and user experience.
    • Implementation:
      • Website Audit and Technical Fixes: Completed
      • Ongoing Monitoring and Optimization
  4. Content Marketing and Blog Strategy:

    • Strategy:
      • Developed a content calendar for regular blog posts, focusing on providing valuable information related to aesthetic room décor trends, DIY ideas, and product guides.
      • Promoted content through social media channels and email newsletters to drive organic traffic.
    • Implementation:
      • Content Calendar Implemented
      • Ongoing Social Media Promotion


  • Current Status (After Implementation):
    • Keywords Ranking: 30,416
    • Organic Monthly Traffic: 175,415
    • Domain Authority: 24
    • Total Backlinks: 13,101


Aesthetic Roomcore’s SEO strategy significantly enhanced organic visibility, increased domain authority, and generated a substantial number of backlinks. The strategic combination of targeted keyword optimization, backlink building, technical improvements, and a robust content marketing plan contributed to the impressive growth.

About The Business:

Aesthetic Roomcore is a online store for all your aesthetic room décor and dorm accessories needs