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Garland's SEO Case Study

Case Study: Garland Native Arts – Sustained SEO Excellence

Background: Garland Native Arts, a premier online retailer of authentic Native American art, partnered with us to elevate their online presence and drive organic traffic.

Objective: To establish Garland Native Arts as a leader in the online Native American art market through increased organic visibility and sustained traffic growth.

Strategy and Execution:

  1. Initial Website Audit:

    • Conducted a rigorous website audit to identify technical issues, keyword gaps, and strategic opportunities.
  2. Comprehensive Keyword Research and Strategy:

    • Thoroughly researched and selected keywords relevant to Native American art, emphasizing both short and long-tail variations.
    • Developed a dynamic keyword strategy to adapt to market changes.
  3. Ongoing On-Page Optimization:

    • Continuously optimized meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content for evolving search trends.
    • Regularly refined website architecture to enhance user experience and search engine crawlability.
  4. Strategic Content Development:

    • Executed a robust content calendar focusing on creating engaging and informative content around Native American art.
    • Encouraged user-generated content and reviews to enhance credibility and community engagement.
  5. Continuous Link Building Campaign:

    • Engaged in ongoing outreach to relevant websites and influencers in the art and cultural space.
    • Dynamically secured high-quality backlinks through guest posts, collaborations, and strategic partnerships.
    • Regularly monitored and disavowed potentially harmful backlinks.
  6. Proactive Technical SEO Maintenance:

    • Implemented routine checks to optimize website speed, mobile-friendliness, and security.
    • Regularly conducted site crawls to identify and promptly address any emerging technical issues.
  7. Constant Monitoring and Analytics:

    • Utilized advanced analytics tools, including Google Analytics, to continually monitor website performance, user behavior, and keyword rankings.
    • Implemented data-driven adjustments to strategies, ensuring adaptability to changes in the online landscape.


  • Organic Keywords Ranking: 16,062
  • Organic Monthly Traffic: 60,808
  • Domain Authority (DA): 42
  • Total Backlinks: 5,212,652

Conclusion: The impressive results achieved by Garland Native Arts underscore the sustained effort and adaptability required in the dynamic field of SEO. Our ongoing commitment to optimizing various facets of their online presence has led to significant and lasting improvements, positioning Garland Native Arts as a dominant force in the online Native American art market.

About The Business:

Garland offers amazing collection of authentic Native American art includes extraordinary handmade jewelry, hand-carved Hopi Kachina dolls, Navajo sandpaintings, Pueblo pottery, hand-woven baskets, and the finest Navajo rugs in the world,