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Realting SEO Case Study

Case Study: – International Affiliate Sales System

Objective: To enhance the online visibility of and improve organic search rankings, organic traffic, domain authority, and backlink profile.

Step 1: Website Audit and Keyword Research

  1. Website Audit: Conducted a comprehensive audit to identify technical issues, on-page SEO problems, and user experience improvements.

  2. Keyword Research: Analyzed the real estate market and identified relevant keywords to target based on search volume, competition, and user intent.

Step 2: On-Page Optimization

  1. Title Tag and Meta Description Optimization: Optimized meta tags for target keywords to improve click-through rates.

  2. Content Optimization: Revised and expanded existing content, ensuring it was informative, engaging, and keyword-rich.

  3. Internal Linking: Implemented a strategic internal linking structure to enhance user navigation and distribute link equity.

Step 3: Technical SEO Improvements

  1. Site Speed Optimization: Enhanced website speed through compression, image optimization, and server improvements.

  2. Mobile Optimization: Ensured the website was mobile-friendly, providing an optimal experience for users on various devices.

  3. Structured Data Markup: Implemented structured data markup to enhance rich snippets in search results.

Step 4: Content Marketing and Link Building

  1. Content Creation: Developed high-quality, shareable content related to real estate trends, buying guides, and market insights.

  2. Outreach and Guest Posting: Conducted outreach to authoritative real estate websites for guest posting opportunities to build quality backlinks.

Step 5: Monitoring and Iteration

  1. Performance Monitoring: Utilized Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other tools to monitor keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user behavior.

  2. Iterative Improvements: Continued to refine and optimize the strategy based on performance data, addressing any emerging issues and capitalizing on new opportunities.


  • Organic Keywords Ranking: Achieved a substantial number of organic keywords ranking.

  • Organic Monthly Traffic: Significantly increased organic monthly traffic.

  • Domain Authority: Successfully increased domain authority.

  • Total Backlinks: Established a considerable number of quality backlinks.

About The Business: is international affiliate sales system. REALTING creates services that help conveniently and safely buy and sell properties worldwide